Portland has many farmer's markets located around the city on different days of the week. I love the farmer's market. I especially love having one just a short bike ride from my house. The King Farmer's Market is on Sundays from 10a-2p at the King Elementary school in NE PDX on 7th ave and Wygant. It's not just a great place to shop for farm fresh local fruits and veggies, it's also a wonderful place to meet up with friends and neighbors. When I go I really feel like I'm part of a community. Today as my son, Quinn, and I wheeled up to the market we were immediately greeted with a familiar "hey, how's it going?" It wasn't someone we know really well, but a familiar face in the community. Within the first five minutes we saw another familiar face and then another. It's a warm fuzzy feeling to be part of something. There's a playground adjacent to the market and nice big grassy area shaded by trees to picnic under. After playing for awhile, Quinn is always interested in checking out the market and different samples. Today he got a Sol Pop strawberry popcicle as a special treat. And I treated myself with a Ruby Jewel ice cream sandwich. Imagine this: two cinammon cookies with chocolate chips filled with espresso ice cream. YUM!! Ruby Jewel is another reason I heart portland. Check out their website here: http://www.rubyjewel.net/
After playing, talking with friends and eating delicious treats it was time to shop. We picked up a lovely bouquet of flowers for only $8! Every week the flower arrangements blow me away and I can't believe they're only $8-$15 for huge, professional bouquets!! I let Quinn choose the bouquet. He was drawn to yellow and red flowers. I don't know flower names, so I'll just have to upload a picture of them.
Next we headed to the berries. We got a big pint (and devoured them when we got home!) We also bought a big artichoke and Quinn informed the woman at the table that he doesn't like them with dip. He only likes artichokes. No dip. What a fun way to spend a morning! And then it was back on the bike to coast down the hill! And I've just brought up another reason that I love Portland. Riding my bike. But that's a post unto itself.

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